
Animal death toll from Ohio train derailment rises to 43,700, officials say, as timeline for environmental recovery uncertain

Last week, authorities believed Ohio was killed in a train derailment 3,500 aquatic animals. On Thursday,…

Ukraine defends from frontline, Putin talks nuclear weapons on war anniversary

Putin raises the possibility of increasing nuclear power Russia to deploy Sarmat ICBMs in 2023 ‘Back…

The Webb telescope has discovered surprisingly massive galaxies from the early universe

(CNN) Astronomers are using the James Webb Space Telescope to look back at the early days…

NPR is to cut about 100 workers in one of its largest layoffs

Comment on this story Comment NPR plans to cut about 100 employees — about 10 percent…

James Webb discovered six large galaxies that are very old

NASA’s new space telescope has discovered six massive galaxies in the early universe The discovery upends…

Wisconsin State Supreme Court Primary Election 2023

Wisconsin State Supreme Court Primary Election 2023 – The New York Times Elections|Wisconsin State Supreme Court…

Microsoft is starting to change Bing’s AI chatbot controls

Comment on this story Comment Microsoft is rolling back restrictions on its Bing artificial intelligence chatbot…

Strange DNA found in desert offers lessons for hunting life on Mars

Comment on this story Comment The Atacama Desert is the driest place on Earth. In spots,…

Turkey earthquake: New aftershock traps people in rubble

Laura Picker in Hatay, Anna Foster in Adana & Oliver Slow in London BBC News 20…

Actor, brother of Hayden Panettiere 28 – Deadline

Good pictures Johnson Panettiere is the younger brother of actress Hayden Panettiere, who followed her sister…