DC-area forecast: Clear and cloudy with snow showers overnight

A somewhat subjective rating of the day's weather, on a scale of 0 to 10.

7/10: I can go less in the way of wind, but a weekend with some fresh snow is always a hit.

  • Today: An early snowflake is possible. Clarity, dynamism. Highs: Near 40 to low 40s.
  • Tonight: Mainly clear and cool. Minimum Age: Teens to 20s.
  • Tomorrow: Mostly sunny and breezy. Highs: Mid 40s to near 50s.

The overnight fast-moving snow moves as fast as it moves eastward. A few snow showers may mark the area a few hours after sunrise. Although temperatures are cooler today, we're on the slopes when the increasing sun angle does a good job of devouring snow. In other words, don't plan on it lasting over areas that are on the ground.

Today (Saturday): Gaps in the clouds increase behind the snow overnight. A few snow showers or storms are possible until 8 or 9 a.m. Otherwise, stories for the day include high winds — and, hopefully, some sledding. The high should rise to near 40 or a few degrees higher. North and northwest winds 10 to 20 mph, with gusts as high as 30 or 35 mph. Confidence: Medium High

Tonight: Winds drop, and skies are mostly clear. Fresh cold air with some snow around means it will be a cold night. Ages range from early to early 20s. Confidence: Medium High

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Tomorrow (Sunday): We continue with good sunshine throughout the day. Mild, with highs near 40 to 50. Again the wind will be slightly stronger, but this time from the southwest. A few gusts of 20 or 25 mph are possible. Confidence: Medium High

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Tomorrow night: It should be clearer than that. Lows could be in the 20s with colder spots around the city. Confidence: Medium High

Perfect for President's Day Monday. Sunshine dominates and temperatures range from the 40s to near 50s tuesday, but maybe a few degrees warmer and a few clouds floating overhead. Confidence: Medium

On a scale of 0-10, a daily estimate of the likelihood of at least 1 inch of snow over the next week.

1/10: Next week will be quiet. A serious storm is possible on Friday, which will look a bit milder due to the snow, but is worth keeping an eye on.

This forecast has been updated to reflect the total amount of snow in the area overnight.

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